Every Deer Hunter Should Try Synthetic Urine
By Tracy Breen
Deer season is here. This means many guys are standing in the checkout line at the store holding a bottle of pee. Most deer hunters at some point or another over the course of their life have used deer urine in an attempt to get a big buck to walk within shooting distance of their treestand or ground blind. Some deer hunters say they wouldn’t hunt without using a certain brand of deer urine. Over the years, many hunters have shown me pictures of big bucks on their trail cameras or grip and grin photos of them with the buck of a lifetime. They say they wouldn’t have killed the buck if it wasn’t for the mock scrape they built and the bottle of urine they poured into the scrape.
For every hunter who swears by mock scrapes filled with deer urine, there is a hunter who says the urine he used spooked the buck he was hoping to tag. Some hunters love using deer urine; others hate using it. One thing is certain: the way deer urine is purchased and sold is changing. The type of urine hunters will be able to use in the woods is changing too.
CWD Is Spreading
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is slowly but surely spreading across North America. As the disease spreads, Fish and Game Departments are spending a lot of time researching the problem and doing what they can to stop it from spreading. One of the things they have looked at closely over the last several years is bottled deer urine. Many biologists believe that the prions that cause CWD can be spread via a bottle of urine. Until recently, the deer urine business hasn’t been regulated. Deer farmers can put urine in a bottle and call it whatever they want and sell it to any hunter or store they desire. Because the business of collecting and selling urine isn’t one that is tightly regulated, some states are taking it upon themselves to ban the sale of deer urine. So far, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Virginia have banned the sale of deer urine. Many other states have been considering banning the sale of deer urine.
ATA Approved Scent
The Archery Trade Association (ATA) recently created a a deer protection program that sets guidelines and procedures in place for manufacturers and suppliers of deer urine who want to sell urine within the ATA. Members that adhere to the program can put a seal of approval on their products. Members of the program must manage their deer herd and bottle their urine in a facility that meets certain standards. The goal of the program is to ensure that the urine being sold does not contain CWD causing prions.
The majority of scent companies within the outdoor industry including Wyndscent are following the guidelines. Will this protection program be enough to stop the spread of CWD? Will more states ban the use of deer urine?
Synthetic Deer Urine May Be the Answer
The odds of more states banning the use of deer urine for hunting purposes is extremely high. If deer urine is banned, what will hunters do? The best option is using synthetic scents. Synthetic deer scents have been around for decades. In fact, I used a bottle of synthetic deer urine for the first time when I was a teenager. At the time, many people laughed at the idea of using fake deer pee when hunting. People aren’t laughing at the idea anymore.
Synthetic Deer Urine Works
Synthetic deer urine works. If used properly, it can attract deer and other big game animals. In fact, in some cases, synthetic deer urine is a better option than real urine. It is legal everywhere. You don’t have to worry about being stopped by a game warden or given a ticket for carrying around a bottle of urine.
Synthetic Deer Urine Doesn’t Spoil Like Real Urine
Another reason synthetic urine is a great choice is because it doesn’t break down like real urine. It doesn’t take long after a bottle is filled with urine before the urine starts to smell bad. Some companies sell fresh urine that fools a buck’s nose most the time. Some scents, on the other hand, have spent a long time on the store shelf before they are sold. Because synthetic urine isn’t real urine, it smells fresh much longer.
Finding a Quality Synthetic Urine
Not all synthetic urine is created equal, but over the last decade, many companies have started producing synthetic deer urine that is very effective in the woods. As the demand for synthetic urine rises over the next several years, the quality of synthetic deer urine is sure to rise as well.
The Vapor Scent Advantage
Wyndscent is one company that is on the cutting edge of deer scent technology. Wyndscent offers a deer scent dispenser that vaporizes deer scent. Independent testing has shown that the heated vapor scent can be smelled hundreds of yards away. Wyndscent makes a high quality synthetic estrus scent for their unit that drives bucks wild during the rut.
Vapor Deer Scent Travels Further
Best of all, the Wyndscent unit can be operated from up to 40 yards. When a hunter wants to put out heated vapor scent, they can hit a button on their remote, so they are not contaminating the area with human odor like sometimes occurs when building mock scrapes.
There is no question synthetic deer urine is here to stay. Pick up a Wyndscent unit and take advantage of heated vapor scent.