Tim Wells Shares Early Season Whitetail Tactics
Very few bowhunters tag as many critters as Tim Wells. Wells travels the globe every year in search of bowhunting adventure. One animal he enjoys chasingis early season whitetails. During the early season, he likes to hunt near food sources and bedding areas and he is not afraid to use deer scents. “Once a buck is hard-horned, he will begin checking out does. I like to use deer scents and hunt near deer scrapes as soon as deer season opens. This year I will be using the Wyndscent unit early in the season with the Doe in Estrus urine to help me pull in a big buck. Many hunters wait until the rut to use deer scents. I believe that is a mistake,” Wells explained.
In the early season, Wells likes hunting near a freshly cut alfalfa field. “Many bowhunters want to hunt over a bean field or some other type of food plot. I try to hunt near a freshly cut alfalfa field. The alfalfa is tender and easy for the deer to eat and is packed with protein. This time of year, patterning a big buck on these food sources can be much easier than trying to find him in November.” If you are hunting over your own food plot, Wells suggests cutting it two weeks before opening day which will attract the deer in the area because of the fresh growth.
If you don’t have private property to hunt on and hunting over food plots is out of the question, try to find oak trees that are dropping acorns can be a great option. . “I will be hunting over a food source during the early season and I will have my Wyndscent unit out. I hope a buck will come to my food source and then come check out the Wyndscent. I think the vapor estrus will pull him in”
Harvesting a buck in the early season can be difficult, but with a little extra effort and some luck, you might find yourself gripping and grinning long before the rut kicks in. Working hard during the early season offers many advantages over the rut. The weather is mild, bucks can be patterned, and they haven’t been educated by hunters yet. If you are looking to put your hit list buck on the wall this year, don’t wait until the rut. Get into the woods as soon as you can!