When To Use Different Scents for Wyndscent
You might have scrolled through our list of available scents and said, “Wow! There are a lot of scents to choose from. Which scent should I use and when?” To help you understand each scent, we have divided the scents into categories based upon when and how you would use each.
Early Season Scents
Cover Scents
During the early season, deer are in a food to bed pattern. They spend a lot of their time browsing ag land and food plots. Using a food plot as your deer attractant and hunting the edge of the plot is a great early season strategy. Early season is a great time to run cover scents in your Wyndscent unit. We’ve had great success ourselves with cover scents and have heard many stories from others where cover scents in the Wyndscent unit have kept deer from busting.
Here is a list of great early season cover scents.
• P7 Sanctuary
• Conquest Evercalm
• Wyndscent Pine
P7 Sanctuary and Conquest Evercalm have been our most popular cover scents. They are a blend of earthy tones mixed with doe urine. Deer feel safe when they smell the familiar tones of these two scents keeping them calm if they go down wind of you. Pine is a great cover scent if you are hunting in or near pine trees.
Unit Placement: When using a cover scent, place unit on the ground below or near you, or run it up in the stand with you.
Attractant Scents
Because deer are mainly looking for food during the early season, using a food source attractant scent is a great strategy. Below are some great options available for the Wyndscent unit.
• Wyndscent Apple
• Wyndscent Sweetcorn
• Wyndscent Acorn
• Rack Getter Addictive Sweet Corn
Unit Placement: When using an attractant scent, place unit around 30 yards away from you and take advantage of a cross wind.
Scents During the Rut
As soon as the rut starts kicking in, that is the time to switch to a doe estrus or buck scent. There are two main strategies when it comes to attracting bucks during the rut. #1. You can try to attract them with the scent of a hot doe. #2. You can try to get them to come and challenge a buck in their territory with a buck urine scent. Another strategy is to run two units during the rut: one unit with buck scent and one unit with doe estrus.
We have many different doe estrus scents to choose from. Below is a list of the different scents with some details about each.
• P7 Seduction
⁃ Premium doe estrus scent
• Conquest VS-1
⁃ Doe urine and vaginal secretions taken during peak estrus
• Pure Whitetail Lady White Lightning
⁃ Only from 1 doe named Lady
⁃ Peak estrus doe urine
• Pure Whitetail Wild Thing
⁃ Only from 1 doe named Wild Thing
⁃ Premium doe estrus
• Roger Raglin Maniac 150
⁃ Doe estrus urine and interdigital gland
• Roger Raglin Maniac 155
⁃ Doe estrus urine and tarsal gland
• Rack Getter Hot To Trot
⁃ Peak estrus urine with doe glands
• Wyndscent Synthetic Estrus
⁃ 100% synthetic for states that don’t permit real urine
Though not as popular as using doe urine, buck urine is an effective way to challenge bucks to come on in during the rut. Below are some buck scents that we offer.
• Conquest Rutting Buck
• Pure Whitetail Cash
• Rack Getter Rutz Up
Unit Placement: When using an attractant scent, place unit around 30 yards away from you and take advantage of a cross wind.
Late Season Scents
When the rut ends, it is time to switch back to food based attractants and cover scents. Deer are burned out after the rut. They are in search of food and are increasingly wary of human presence due to hunting pressure throughout the season.
Knowing which scent to use is all about knowing what deer are searching for before, during, and after the rut. With the correct cover and attractant scents, you greatly increase your odds of success in the field.