Wyndscent 2.0 Whitetail Starter Kit Christmas Sale
- Wyndscent 2.0 unit with Remote control
- Rechargeable battery
- Micro USB charging cord
- Apple or Sweetcorn scent
- Customizable Wyndcase
- Mini Tripod
WYNDSCENT Electronic Scent Vaporizer provides for an ACTIVE scent dispersal that has revolutionized the scent industry. It allows our proprietary scents to smell stronger, travel farther, and last longer. We offer multiple cover scents and/or attractants from some of the best known brands in the scent industry.
WYNDSCENT 2.0 Electronic Scent Vaporizer uses disposable scent cartridges that will last up to 40 hours on the 3 minute dispersal mode. You can change the mode from the 1 minute mode to the 3 minute mode or to the standby mode from up to 32 yards away with the included remote. Our high efficiency RECHARGEABLE battery can last up to 40 hours on a single charge. WYNDSCENT Electronic Scent Vaporizer is water resistant, works great even in cold temps, and can be hung from a tree or placed on our mini-tripods or stake. WYNDSCENT Electronic Scent Vaporizer is the most effective and versatile scent dispersing unit in the market today.
• Remote controlled out to 30 yards
• Vapor scent dispersal for long range of scent travel
• Cover and attractant scents available
• Easy to operate
• 3 minute and 1 minute dispersal modes
• Up to 40 hours of run time per cartridge
• Up to 40 hours of run time per battery charge
• Very effective for luring your game into shooting range or for masking human scent
View Instructions for the Wyndscent Unit Here.