Wyndscent 2.0 Rack Getter Hot To Trot (Doe In Estrus)
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- Up To 40 hours of run time on the 3 minute mode
- Over 12 hours on the 1 minute mode (Mini unit only has 1 minute mode)
- Real doe estrus urine
- Perfect for attracting bucks during the rut
- Disposable cartridge
Compatible with BOTH the Wyndscent 2.0 and Wyndscent Mini. Vaporizer unit not included.
Rack Getter Hot To Trot (Doe In Estrus)
Hot to Trot is a matrix of hot doe glands and urines collected during the peak rut of late October and early to mid-November. Vocal attractants can used in conjunction with this lure saturating your hunting area. The RUTZ UP is a deadly combination to maximize your rut hunting experience. One vapor cartridge for the Wyndscent 2.0 will last up to 40 hours of use on the 3 minute mode.

- 1 cartridge of Rack Getter Hot To Trot Doe in Estrus scent for the Wyndscent 2.0 and Wyndscent Mini