• Up To 40 hours of run time per cartridge (on the 3 minute mode)
• Cover scents and urine based attractants
• Perfect for masking human scent and luring bucks during the rut
• Disposable cartridges
Compatible with BOTH the Wyndscent 2.0 and Wyndscent Mini.
All Season Scent Pack
P7 Sanctuary is a great all season cover scent. It mimics a doe bedding area making any passing deer feel safe and relaxed.
P7 Deceiver Crossroads formula is the perfect mix of doe estrus, doe urine, and buck urine. Its the perfect scent to use right before the rut and during the rut. Its the perfect transition scent as the rut starts kicking in and bucks establish their own territory.
P7 Seduction is the doe estrus scent to use during the rut to attract bucks.
The Apple scent is a great food source attractant to use any time of the year but especially early and late season when deer on are food to bed patterns.

- 1 cartridge of P7 Sanctuary (Cover Scent)
- 1 cartridge of P7 Crossroads (Doe Urine, Estrus, and Buck Urine)
- 1 cartridge of P7 Seduction (Doe Estrus)
- 1 cartridge of Apple Scent

Scent Predictor
Based upon your location, Scent Predictor will let you know when to use each scent.