- Up To 40 hours of run time on the 3 minute mode
- Over 12 hours on the 1 minute mode (Mini unit only has 1 minute mode)
- Premium vanillin scent
- Perfect for masking human scent
- Disposable cartridge
Compatible with BOTH the Wyndscent 2.0 and Wyndscent Mini. Vaporizer unit not included.
Vapor Shield Vanillin
Sick of getting busted by downwind deer? That is where Vapor Shield comes in. Vapor Shield masks your downwind side and protects you from getting busted. Our proprietary vanillin blend is very effective for shielding your back side. One vapor cartridge for the Wyndscent 2.0 will last up to 40 hours of use on the 3 minute mode.

• 1 cartridge of Vapor Shield Vanillin scent for theWyndscent 2.0andWyndscent Mini